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7 Reasons You May Be Failing

This is a little unusual for me, normally I like to write about the things that you should be doing and keeping it all very positive, I do not really care too much for the things you are doing wrong, however I do believe that it is important to see your mistakes in order for you to correct them. “7 Reason You May Be Failing” is a tough topic because it may come across as being personal, but it is not. I know these mistakes because I have made them all myself and hopefully by sharing my experiences you can save yourself a lot of time and pain in avoiding them. The second reason for taking this approach is that you may well be unaware of these habits within yourself and by highlighting them you then have the power to begin to change them. So here are 7 reasons you may be failing.

  1. You Have A Catastrophe Mind. A catastrophe mind is the mind that always jumps to the worst possible outcome of a situation regardless of the evidence to support that. This is the person who is playing the game not to lose as opposed to the person who is playing to win. The Positive Expectancy Mind is the reverse of this what you should strive for. If your first response to this is something along the lines of “if you always expect a successful outcome then that’s just not realistic” or something else disputing positive expectancy in all situations, then this is certainly an indication that you have a mindset that is not set up for high levels of success.
  2. Thinking Too Small. If you have a catastrophe mind then you are almost certainly thinking too small. If all you can see is a negative outcome then the chances that you will allow yourself to seriously entertain the size of thoughts you will need to be successful, is very low. Big thinking gets big results, little thinking gets little results.
  3. Fear Based Decisions. Again this is all a result of the catastrophe mind and why I placed it at the top of the list. Making decision based on trying to avoid pain produces completely different results than making decision to produce pleasure. Think of this, being pain free does not equal being happy, being happy however generally means that you are somewhat pain free. Making decisions that seek joy is a much better strategy than making decisions that are designed to avoid pain. As I mentioned before you must play to win, not play to not lose.
  4. Poor Goal setting. Most people don’t get what they want because they don’t know what they want. Clarity is focus and focus is power. Poor or no goal setting is a guaranteed strategy for failure. God himself cannot give you what you want if you do not know what you want! Poor goal setting also leads directly to reason #5.
  5. Failure To Take Action. The gold will not mine itself. You must act both massively and consistently upon your goals with positive expectancy. Very little in this life will just show up on your doorstep in it’s finished form. You must be clear about what you want, plan a course of action, set a deadline, then start mining. No action = no results.
  6. You Actually don’t Want To Succeed, You Just Like To Entertain Yourself By Talking About It. Sounds silly but it’s true. You buy a book but you never read it, you talk about things you are going to do when the opportunity is right, when you have more time, when you have more money and so on. I know I’ve been there, but here’s the truth, you can have a story or you can have a result but you can’t have both. Most people’s biggest obstacle to overcome is themselves. The barriers imposed in your mind are generally significantly larger than those barriers that genuinely exist.
  7. Lack Of Appropriate Education. Most people go to college or university, gain a formal education that is completely insignificant in the area that they are trying to succeed in, then cling to the idea that they are educated for the rest of their life. If you are failing in relationships then seek education in relationships, sales, business, marketing, travel, money, the list goes on. Any institutional education is far to broad to be left at that. You need to specialize and become an expert in the area that you wish to succeed in. If you do not do this then failure is virtually guaranteed. The typical college graduate in the USA reads on average 0 books per year. Shocking, the wisdom of the world is available to us and how much do we take advantage of that? On average, 0. Continued education is a must and the lack there of is a huge reason for failure.

So those are my 7 reasons you may be failing; the good news is that they are all correctable. Success really is a formula. As always, best of luck.

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