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Life Skills Coaching

Life skills coaching is a subject and a skill that seems to me to be very under valued by most people. Life is a game that we all have to participate in whether you like that fact or not, therefore it only makes sense that we should go out of our way to learn these skills. Anybody hoping to become great at tennis would take tennis lessons or hire a coach, a football team would not be left to run itself, however we do not always apply these principles to our personal life. We just hope for the best.

Personal Development

In life there are several key areas that we really must develop in order to be happy, fulfilled and successful. It is therefore essential that time and effort are given to developing these. All of these areas are addressed in this site, although the more material you seek the better.


Relationships are a source of great pain or great pleasure. Communication is the foundation of relationships and this is certainly a skill that can be learned. Potentially the better we communicate the better our relationships can be. A smooth relationship with your significant other, co-workers or other family members will greatly enhance your quality of life. Relationship skills are not taught in schools, which is sad, but the information is available if you want it.


Money will not make you happy but nor will a lack of it! If you have an adequate amount of money, I think few will disagree that life is much easier. Are you going to work for money or are you going to make money go to work for you. Anybody can have any amount of money, again this is a learnable skill. You can become financially independent.


If there is one thing that makes life worth living then it’s having something to die for. Having purpose, direction and focus gives life meaning. This is what life skills coaching is all about, finding that passion, finding that purpose and incorporating it into daily life.


All of these areas are related to life skills coaching, find your purpose and you will be much closer to finding the right job, find the right job and abundant finances are sure to follow. When you understand the rules of the game of life, then winning becomes very easy! If your job is what you love to do anyway then you’re going to win. I am a musician for example, I get paid to do what I would happily do for free. Going to work is easy for me because I have combined purpose and employment. You can do the same.


What is your contribution to life? Finding a great cause to dedicate yourself to, gives purpose. This website among other things is my contribution, I take joy in sharing this information while at the same time earning an income from it. It is a win win situation for me and visitors to the site. Find your win win situation and see how life starts to change for the good.

Obviously anybody reading this page is seeking more for themselves and I applaud you for that. I encourage you to keep looking and to keep growing. The more effort you give, the greater the rewards.

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